Sexuality. Did you get a knot in your throat when you read that? Butterflies in your tummy? Or some other uncomfortable, nervous feeling? You’re not alone. Sex positivity is on the rise. And so many of us desperately want to be a part of it, but come up short because we struggle to embrace our own sexuality. Sound like you? Don’t worry. We get it. And we got you. Here are three ways you can begin to embrace your sexuality.
Embrace your sexuality? How?
Ladies, let’s be honest. Sex is a part of all our lives – most of us wouldn’t be here without it. But that doesn’t always mean that we’re comfortable with it or ourselves and it. And whether that discomfort comes from external forces, or from within, it doesn’t have to stay that way.
Embracing your sexuality isn’t just about who you get naked with. It’s also about self-confidence, self-awareness, and dang it, self-love. And we’re all about embracing who you are at hormona. Because like Mama Ru always says, if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love anyone else?
So here are three ways you can get to know, and love, yourself and your sexuality…
1. Get to know your body
Sexuality has so much to do with how you feel in your body. But how can you connect with your body if you don’t know it?
Imagine suddenly trying to make a deep connection with someone you’ve never looked in the eye, written a letter to, or chatted with on the phone. That’s what it can feel like when we try to embrace sexuality without first knowing our bodies. So, how do you get to know your body? And what does that even mean?
To know your body means that you know what it looks like, first off. So, if your Gynecologist knows your parts better than you do, that may be part of the problem. Take a long look at your entire body. Yes, even the parts you may need a mirror to see properly. And remember that no matter what your body looks like or can and can’t do, it is a part of you. You’re amazing. And so is your body.
Next, you’ll want to make mental notes of what feels good to your body. It can start with what foods you like, what material or clothing is most comfortable to you, and eventually progress to what sort of touches, sexual or otherwise, feel good. When you find a winner — something your body really enjoys — take a moment to sit in that feeling and let it wash over you.
2. Wear what you like
We all love a good trend, but the best looks are the ones that make you feel confident and beautiful. We’re not saying you need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. You probably have a few items in your closet that make you feel like a million bucks every time you wear them. Try to figure out what exactly you like about those pieces. Is it the color? The way it fits your body? Does it have a print you love? Keep that information in your mind next time you go shopping.
Remember that sometimes it’s not always about the clothes you can see. That’s right. We’re talking about lingerie.
Maybe you have a favorite bra that makes you feel extra flirty. Or maybe you have a holy grail favorite pair of underwear that is both comfy and cute. Wear them. Buy multiple pairs. Get one in every color. But remember to do the responsible thing and save up approximately two months’ salary before heading to the store, because that’s how expensive pants are these days, right, gang?
Although it might seem vain to some, you can’t deny that when you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, embracing your sexuality is that much easier.
3. Go to therapy
On a more serious note, therapy can be a game-changer for people who want to embrace their sexuality. A licensed therapist can help you unpack your subconscious beliefs and biases and give you strategies to help you manage and overcome harmful habits and ways of thinking.
Thanks to technology, you may not even have to leave your house to talk to a therapist. You can receive counseling via video call, online chat, or plain ol’ on the phone. With the right therapist and some courage, you could change your life.
Embrace your sexuality: TLDR
Learning to embrace your sexuality is a process. And the first step is to get to know and, yes, like yourself. So, start small, don’t rush it, and remember that your sexuality is about you. What foods do you love? What fabrics or sensations? Focus on what you like instead of holding yourself up to the standards set by TV or the people around you.
It might take a while, but stick with it. Because a happier, healthier sex life means a happier and healthier you. And what’s not to love about that?