Hormona Library

Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

hands holding two balloons like breasts

Hormones and Breast Cancer: What the what?

You may well be wondering what on Earth hormones have to do with breast cancer. And if you are, it’s a good point. Because, if you’re anything like us, there’s a very good chance you had no idea that hormones

Women successfully surviving menopause

Surviving Menopause: How to beat your symptoms and thrive

Gang, let’s be clear from the off. If you’ve ever had a set of ovaries, Menopause is coming for you. That’s if it hasn’t already. And as it’s World Menopause Day, we thought we’d give a big shout-out to all

TechCrunch 2022: Jasmine and Karolina ready to exhibit

TechCrunch 2022: It’s here!

We don’t know if we’ve mentioned this, but Hormona is exhibiting at TechCrunch 2022. And it’s happening today! Karolina and Jasmine are in San Francisco right now, representing all the Hormonas, so we grabbed a few minutes with Jasmine on


Eat for your Cycle: Foods that make period cramps worse

If there’s one universal truth, it’s that period pain sucks. We know the feeling: Curled up on the couch, cuppa in hand, and the painkillers just aren’t pulling their weight. But what if we told you that your diet could,

pill packs

Coming off the pill: What happens?

The pill, as we all know, can be a wonder. And it’s not just about being in control of your fertility, either. Hormonal birth control can help with extreme cramps and severe bleeding and PMS. But what happens when it’s

Flax seed's phytoestrogens can affect breast cancer

Phytoestrogens and Breast Cancer: What you need to know

Gang, as October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, we thought it was high time we talked about hormones and breast cancer. Yes, it’s a depressing — and mildly alarming — fact that Estrogen is linked to several types of tumors,


Hormones and Mental Health: What’s the connection?

It’s no secret that hormones can have a huge impact on your physical health, but the connection between hormones and mental health is sometimes overlooked. Did you know that imbalanced hormones can worsen mental health conditions such as anxiety and

women moving red smoke from her face

Types of PMS: PME, PMDD — What does it all mean?

If you’re someone who experiences the joys of menstruation, you’re probably also familiar with the term Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, or PMS. Generally speaking, it describes the collection of symptoms that show up around a week before your period. But, as you

Karolina Lofqvist & Jasmine Tagesson

TechCrunch 2022: Hormona’s Going To San Francisco!

Hormonas, it’s happening… Yes, your favorite hormone healthcare company will be appearing at TechCrunch Disrupt 2022, Health Tech edition! Just 200 finalists were selected, and dear readers, we’re on that list. Taking place from October 18-20 in the iconic city

woman sleeping

Can’t fall asleep? Tips for nodding off like a pro…

Gang, we’ve all been there. Laying awake, desperate for sleep as you watch the hours tick by… No matter what you do, you cannot fall asleep. But you don’t have to suffer. Whether it’s stress, shift work, or just Sunday

tape measure

How do hormones affect weight loss?

If you’re a regular Hormona, you’ll know we love to arm you with the knowledge and power to feel your best. Which means you’re likely aware that your menstrual hormones affect more than just your periods. But did you know


Serotonin and Melatonin: Foods good for your hormones

Now, as you probably know, Serotonin and Melatonin are two hormones that mean serious emotional business. But what if we told you they also have a sidekick, a little something called Tryptophan? Today we’re talking about Tryptophan’s connection to Serotonin

mixed pills and tablets

Supplements that help PMS: Beat your cramps with vitamins!

Cramps, fatigue, mood swings, cravings — the list goes on and on. Are you also dealing with PMS? Then you are not alone; three in four menstruating people experience at least one symptom, thanks to their ever-changing hormone levels. It

hairy mat

Foods that disrupt hormones: How can I avoid them?

If you’ve learned one thing as a regular Hormona, let it be this: Your hormones are constantly changing. But did you know that some foods that disrupt hormones? And wouldn’t it be great if you could give your hormones a

4 eggs representing 4 phases

PMS Types: What You Need To Know

Gang, there’s a good chance you’re already familiar with PMS – far too familiar. It’s the chocolate-craving, mood-swinging, surprise-crying curse of the menstrual cycle. But did you know there are different PMS types? Because the demented clutch of symptoms plaguing

tea bags

Can drinking tea really get rid of period cramps? 

Let’s face it: period cramps are the worst! Not only do you have to deal with a host of other symptoms during your time of the month, but being in pain the entire time makes you feel miserable. While many


Exercise and your Menstrual cycle: How Estrogen affects muscles

Gang, it’s time we talk about Estrogen’s other jobs. Yes, it’s vital in reproduction, but it’s also vital to just a bunch of other stuff. And one of those things is working out. More specifically, your muscles and endurance level.

wilting flower

Low libido in women, explained

We’ve all been there – it’s a Tuesday night, you’ve just eaten a mammoth amount of spaghetti carbonara, and you’re wearing a grubby oversized t-shirt. Basically, you’re not feeling your best. And yet your partner is still in the mood.

woman posing with glowing skin

How does Estrogen affect our skin and hair?

In a slight deviation from our usual weekly dose of mildly depressing hormone news, this week, we’re bringing you some good news! And that’s because we’re talking about how Estrogen can actually do some fantastic things for your skin and

moon rising

Estrogen and Stress Hormones: How they work together

Have you heard of Estrogen and stress hormones? Have you ever wondered if your ability to cope with stress is different at different stages of your Menstrual cycle? Today we are going to talk about whether the rise in Estrogen


Overnight Fasting 101

Now, you may well be thinking, “Come on gang, we already do this. It’s called sleeping.” Technically, you’re not far wrong. Sleep is definitely a factor, natch, but the fasting we’re talking about starts before your head hits the pillow,

pink hourglass

FSH and Menopause

Gang, it’s time we talk about FSH, or Follicle Stimulating Hormone, as it’s known in the biz we call health. You’ve probably heard it bandied about on occasion, but what does it really do? And how is FSH involved with

woman laid clutching her tummy

Endometriosis: The basics

There’s a good chance you’ve already heard of Endometriosis, thanks to the amount of media attention it’s been getting recently. And good thing, too. Because one in ten women across the world has it, and getting a diagnosis can take

spoon with salt

What does iodine have to do with your periods?

Have you heard of iodine? Did you know how having low iodine levels can affect your periods? Today we will talk about iodine and why it is important for our bodies. What is iodine? Iodine is a mineral that our

black bin bags

What are the risks if Estrogen is not metabolized properly?

Ah, Estrogen… A crucial hormone that can bring so much joy. And sooo much discomfort. Anyone who has or has ever had periods will happily tell you just how uncomfortable estrogen can make your life, from heavy periods to sore

clock on pink background

How late can a period be? Causes and reasons for late periods

Late periods can be really stressful! For a lot of reasons. If you are trying not to get pregnant then a late period can make you panic! If you are trying to get pregnant then a late period might make

acrylics in but and orange

The female reproductive hormones and weight

Hormones and weight are connected. Yes, and it’s a pretty important connection too! So today we are going to talk about the connection between hormones and weight. This might be something that you already know or something that you have

rusty chain

Why do I need to replenish my iron levels after my periods?

Do you know what iron does in your body and why it is important? Lots of people have heard of iron but don’t realise how important it is or how our periods can affect our iron levels. Today we are

pink shredded paper

How do we combat the negative effects of cortisol?

Given what the world’s been through recently, it’s fair to say that we’ve all seen our fair share of stress. But, as you probably already know, stress isn’t just a state of mind. It’s a very real, physiological process that,

tampons in a circle

Why does the colour of my period blood change? And what does it mean?

Have you ever noticed that the color of your period blood sometimes looks different? Or different from what you see in magazines/on the internet? You might also notice that the color changes as your period progress. Today we are going

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