3 Simple Tips To Help You Invest In Your Wardrobe

invest in your wardrobe
Published June 24, 2020
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This post is about 3 simple tips to help you invest in your wardrobe while you phase out fast fashion and hone your style.

There is a significant shift for more transparency about our fashion items, with sustainable pieces and investment items now favoured over fast fashion – high street fashion.   

Should we buy new fashion items for each season?

Every season is a chance to refresh your wardrobe as the weather does the same. But is it worth following fashion trends and getting new wardrobe items with each season? Yes, if you require a total wardrobe revamp or just want to treat your wardrobe. No, if you recognise that you cannot justify buying it other than it is adorable and you want it, even though it will join the hoard in your wardrobe to maybe be worn once.  

You have been meaning to hone your style and tighten your spending habits. Then, isn’t it time you finally tackle the beast of reorganising your wardrobe with better quality items? With everything that has happened and is still happening to our economy in the year 2020. Now more than ever, it is an excellent time to spend some time working through your style.

Invest in your wardrobe

Tackle the thought of having more investment pieces and less low-quality pieces. Support stores who will need help bouncing back. Take advantage of sales to help boost the economy. Whether your goal is to have a wardrobe that is: timeless, consciously bought from small businesses, monochrome, more colourful, more neutral, more unusual pieces, or maturing in your style as you are in your life. You can take this time to do those things for yourself.  

As a woman, we hustle hard to proclaim our identity in our fashion so I have gathered these three top tips from female bloggers and vloggers, adorned by the house of selfish darlings, that can help your wardrobe to be timelessly conscious and not a seasonal bitch.  

Top tips on Investing in your wardrobe

1. Time to let go of items that are no longer you   

You have decided to pay more attention to your clothes and their length of service to your body. To begin phasing out your high-street items and take that conscious step. Do a clear-out and be honest with yourself. Inspect them; you’ll start to notice the difference in quality. A sort of before and after of the items not worn much and the well-worn ones. This test alone should help you in deciding what to keep that, of course, remains in tack. The goal is to keep items that can be worn with each other, to help you get into the mindset of only buying clothes of better quality that will compliment your current wardrobe items and your wardrobe goals. Start small by doing it in stages, so that it doesn’t overwhelm you.   

Additionally, the items you decide to part with, you can even make some money off of them. Yes, it sounds counter-intuitive, to then sell those items that continue to feed the funnel. Think of it this way; someone else is also just starting to reduce their Highstreet intake while figuring out their budget. They too, are looking for items preowned that need a new home instead of replacing them with new high street ones.       

2. Swap out items in your current wardrobe with investment pieces   

What I mean is the high street version will last a few weeks, to a year – if you’re lucky. While investment pieces are made with care and attention to manufacturing detail. Meaning they last longer, yes, they cost more. However, they pay for themselves in the longevity of wear you get out of them. It is accurate, and you will reevaluate after reading MelissaMarmalade’s, Managing Partner of a top global media agency & lifestyle blogger, post on Investing in clothes: A long term strategy for building your wardrobe.   

How do you begin to procure these items no matter your budget?  

Of the items remaining from your honest closet clear out. Spend some time researching some brands that you admire, don’t buy anything if you can help it. Spend some time just saving items that you like. Strictly only clothes that can be worn with the ones you have kept from your honest, closet clear out. Once you hit 10 items, reflect through your list and ask yourself if you like it or if you see yourself wearing it. Remove the ones you like. Seeing yourself wearing it is more important because in the time you would have spent getting a single item, like a dress you like from the high street, that will not last. Instead, you would have found one you can restyle 5 more times at a minimum, and it fits with the items you currently own.   

Another small step is to find influencers, public figures that you admire, if you don’t already, and take inventory of the outfits they have worn that you see yourself wearing. It is important to remember to not compare yourself to them, focus on being sure those clothes will work for you and your wardrobe.   

3. Take better care of your clothes  

Speaking of influencers, content creator Brittany Bathgate. Who is someone we at selfish darling adore very much, has a fantastic video on her YouTube Chanel titled How I care for my clothes, where you are sure to find a few adoptable tips for yourself.    

Though taking better care of your clothes will come naturally, after knowing how much more time and money you have invested into them. You will want to make sure you get your return on those investments by taking better care of them. And, make sure to have fun, it is meant to be a growing experience for you and your confidence. Start to invest in your wardrobe today!

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Dr Singh is the Medical Director of the Indiana Sleep Center. His research and clinical practice focuses on the myriad of sleep.

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