What is Wellbeing? – The Five Ways of Wellbeing

Published October 20, 2019
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Have you heard this lovely fluffy word being banded around a little lately? When we think of wellbeing it might make us think of our health, how we are feeling, but one thing is for sure if we want to be a productive independent woman it’s imperative to be aware of it Darling.  

The word wellbeing is derived from the same narrative of mental health. There is an acceptance that mental health is no longer just the absence of mental illness. It is also a myth that if we have a mental health diagnosis that every day is going to be a bad wellbeing day. We can have any diagnosis and have good days and bad days aside from our illness. Understanding the triggers that push us towards those bad days is also another way of ensuring self-growth.  

The below continuum from Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) aims to illustrate this: 

So, if we accept mental health and wellbeing is a part of every human being, just like physical health, it’d be useful to know how to enhance it to be our most excellent selves. If we have on-point wellbeing, we are more likely to not overspill our stress bucket when say, our ex turns out to be a sociopath.  

Similar to Brexit the government’s conversation surrounding mental health has been slow, confusing and cost lots of cash with nothing much to show for it. Therefore, it is no surprise that it was only eleven years ago that the UK Government bravely decided that it was about time to give us a message on how to look after our basic mental health. This being The Five Ways to Wellbeing, this message was aimed to mirror it’s much better known physical health counterpart The Five a Day (which is now Ten btw – IKR). 

The Five Ways to Wellbeing (New Economics Foundation, 2008 (this has now been expanded to 10 points by https://www.actionforhappiness.org/10-keys but we’ll keep it a bit less cheesy). 

The Five Ways to Wellbeing Broken Down:


Go get deep with another human. Surprisingly we are designed to be around others, loneliness is one of the biggest killers. When we are sociable, we trigger oxytocin (happy hormone) production in the brain. 

Keep Learning:

Try something new, burlesque dancing, a course on the evolution of humpback whales, how to achieve the perfect origami turtle. Whatever it is, using the brain stops you from losing it and learning gives a sense of purpose.  

Being Active:

Unfortunately, ‘they’ keep telling me that activity is good for the brain. The good news is this is any type of movement not necessarily that swear word ‘exercise’. In fact, activity is proven to increase serotonin, another happy hormone, a chemical that is actually manipulated in anti-depressant medication. However, it is important to find your activity, be that wild swimming, tree climbing or maybe just doing a spot of Marie Kondo around the house. 


Now this doesn’t have to be of monetary value – although prosocial spending is shown to benefit us. Giving of any kind to another, particularly those we have a connection with improves life-satisfaction, self-realisation and physical health. This is something I’ve been trying to practice on the tube in London recently through the gift of a smile. Needless to say, I’ve received looks that could kill back.  

Taking Notice:

Going back to an earlier blog post, Taking Notice borrows its principles from mindfulness and meditation. Taking notice is about being observant of your current environment, being in the moment and avoiding distractions like Instagram. 

Now if you really want to get into this a great way to start is by looking at how much of the above, you’re currently doing. The aim of this is to un-fill your stress bucket through good coping strategies. Rather than say hours on social media washed down with a bottle of Rioja Darling (don’t panic it is ok occasionally).   

We know quick fixes make us feel good, but for a limited time. So, after you’ve considered how much of the above you do, look at how you can build more in, even though it may be more time-consuming. For example, going out and ‘connecting’ can seem a pain in the ass, but how many times have we gotten home and thought ‘I’m so glad I went’. 

If it all feels a bit overwhelming why not set yourself a small goal by using the SMART goal principles (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). It might sound ridiculous, but even penciling in a diary entry to look up local life drawing classes is a goal achieved. Achievement gives us a sense of purpose and a step towards the ultimate aim of becoming the next Leonardo Da Vinci. 

If you’re interested in exploring what your current wellbeing is like, try the WEMWEBS (Warwick & Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale). 

Have a great week Darling. 

Rebekah Few 

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Dr Singh is the Medical Director of the Indiana Sleep Center. His research and clinical practice focuses on the myriad of sleep.

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