Are you pregnant? Or wondering if you might be pregnant? Are you experiencing symptoms and wondering if they’re normal or not? Fear not, gang, we here with the ultimate list of weird early pregnancy symptoms, and how best to handle them.
Weird early pregnancy symptoms: Am I pregnant?
First and foremost, the most reliable way to find out whether you are pregnant is by taking a pregnancy test. All women experience pregnancy differently but there are some common, and some less common, symptoms that might suggest you are pregnant.
There are a lot of hormonal changes that happen when you are pregnant. These can cause a huge number of changes in your body that can cause some weird early pregnancy symptoms.
It is important to note that a lot of the symptoms of early pregnancy can be similar to those during your Menstrual cycle or just before your period. If you are trying to get pregnant, and having trouble, it might be stressful to monitor these symptoms. Look after yourself and remember that the best way to know if you are pregnant is to take a test.
What indicates that conception has occurred?
Conception can be tricky to nail down in the very early days, and it could be a few weeks before symptoms present themselves fully. The most well-known symptoms of early pregnancy include nausea and vomiting, AKA morning sickness, tender breasts, or a missed period. But there are also plenty of uncommon early pregnancy symptoms.
What are some weird early pregnancy symptoms?
Now, as we’ve said, pregnancy affects everyone slightly differently, so may or may not see some of the more unusual early pregnancy symptoms. But you’ll probably see at least a few of them…
Mood swings
As you may have noticed, your moods are heavily influenced by your hormones. So, it’s not uncommon to feel more emotional than usual during early pregnancy. If before pregnancy, you’re living with depression or anxiety, for instance, hormone fluctuations can exacerbate those symptoms. It’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare professional to make sure you have a plan in place for your pregnancy.
If you get headaches during PMS, then you’re well aware that Hormonal changes can lead to headaches. Early pregnancy can also be a stressful time, and both stress and fatigue can also cause headaches. While it’s completely natural to reach for painkillers when they strike, remember to check with a doctor or pharmacist before taking medicine for pain while pregnant.
A drop in blood pressure during early pregnancy is pretty common. But that drop can also lead to feeling lightheaded or dizzy, and even fainting. If you feel dizzy when standing up, make sure you’re getting up slowly to give your body time to adjust to the change in position.
If you faint or pass out at any point, however, please talk to a doctor as soon as possible.
Acne is often very much influenced by hormones. Some women find that the hormonal changes of pregnancy can cause acne to appear or get worse. Although there are other reasons why you may have adult acne.
Some skincare products, including retinol, should be avoided during pregnancy. It’s important to check that your skincare products or medicines are safe in pregnancy before starting any acne treatment.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has published some information about skin conditions during pregnancy.
Changes to your sense of smell or taste
The one definitely ranks under weird symptoms of early pregnancy. You might find that your sense of smell gets stronger. Or certain strong smells might make you feel sick. And it’s even possible to get a strange metallic taste in your mouth. As weird early pregnancy symptoms go, this one is definitely up there.
While fatigue is a common symptom of later pregnancy, thanks to all those hormones, it can also occur in the early stages. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, and try not to push yourself.
Shortness of breath
Now when we say shortness of breath, we don’t mean how you feel after you’ve run for the bus. We’re talking about feeling as if it’s hard to breathe or get enough air into your lungs. This can be an uncommon symptom of early pregnancy due to hormone changes. But it can also be a symptom of something more serious.
So if you are having trouble breathing, have pain in your chest, or are worried that something is wrong, please see a medical professional.
You’ve probably heard of pregnancy cravings for things like pickles or crisps. It’s totally normal for your food preferences and tastes to change during pregnancy. But, if you find that you start craving things that aren’t food, please talk to a doctor.
This also falls into the common in late pregnancy, but not so common in early pregnancy category. The increase in Progesterone during pregnancy slows down the movement of your bowel, which can cause constipation. Here’s the thing, if you already had experience with constipation prior to conception, it might get worse early in pregnancy.
Blocked or runny nose
This can be a symptom of pregnancy, but it can also be a sign of PMS. In fact, the same processes that cause period flu also cause a similar reaction during those early weeks. Sometimes using a humidifier or rinsing your nose with saline can be helpful. Pharmacies usually have kits for this available.
Different vaginal discharge
As you probably already know, vaginal discharge is very much influenced by your hormones, and changes regularly throughout your menstrual cycle. Discharge that is sticky or thicker than usual at that stage in your cycle can be an early sign of pregnancy. “Normal” pregnancy discharge is usually white or clear in color.
NOTE: Smelly or discolored discharge, with or without pain or itching, is not a weird sign of early pregnancy. It could be a sign of an infection. If that’s the case, please a doctor so that you can be treated. Vaginal infections can cause complications in pregnancy if left untreated.
In the same way that progesterone slows down your bowel, it also relaxes the muscular ring that keeps your stomach contents in your stomach. You might find that you get reflux as your pregnancy progresses. Some women find that sleeping propped up on pillows helps this. If it is troubling you a lot, then see a doctor who can help. Please check with a healthcare professional before taking any antacids during pregnancy.
Nose bleeds
This definitely counts as one of the weird symptoms of early pregnancy. Nose bleeds can become more common after conception. Your hormones affect the blood vessels all over your body, but the ones in your nose are very close to the surface. Which means they might bleed more easily thanks to those hormonal changes.
Weird early pregnancy symptoms: When to see a doctor
Unusual early pregnancy symptoms can, of course, be due to pregnancy. But they can also occur because of lots of other things. Because, hormones. So if any of your symptoms are causing you distress, then please see a healthcare professional for help. If you think you could be pregnant, then it’s imperative that you take a pregnancy test to confirm this and start planning your pregnancy.
There are, though, some symptoms of early pregnancy that can also be associated with serious illnesses.
If you are pregnant, or think you might be, and have any of the following symptoms please see a doctor urgently:
- Pain in your lower belly, with or without vaginal bleeding
- Vaginal bleeding: Most women who have a small amount of bleeding in early pregnancy go on to have a normal pregnancy. However, it can be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy
- Difficulty breathing, with or without pain in your chest
- Sudden pain or swelling in one of your calves
- Vaginal bleeding with lightheadedness or dizziness
Remember that you know your body better than anyone else. So, if you’re concerned in any way, please seek medical attention.