Hur många gånger har du hört att din kropp är ett mysterium?
Spoiler alert, it’s not. Svaren ligger hos dina hormoner – och vi kan hjälpa dig att förstå dem.
Spoiler alert, it’s not. Svaren ligger hos dina hormoner – och vi kan hjälpa dig att förstå dem.
av kvinnor lider av hormonell obalans
av kvinnor säger att de inte förstår sina hormoner
av kvinnor känner sig ensamma i sin resa med dessa problem
Is actually a group of hormones (Estradiol, Estriol and Estrone) that play an important role in women’s sexual and reproductive development. This group of sex hormones are mainly produced in the ovaries, but can also be produced in smaller volumes by the adrenal glands and fatty tissue. An imbalance can be associated with symptoms such as low libido, depression, and weight gain.
This is a sex hormone that helps your body prepare for pregnancy. It also plays an important role in your menstrual cycle and is a good indicator of fertility, as it can confirm healthy ovulation. Disturbances or imbalances in your progesterone levels can result in mood changes, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression.
Also known as Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, and as the name implies this hormone stimulates ovarian follicles to mature their eggs and increase Estrogen production. It’s made in the pituitary gland and is essential for reproductive development and ovarian function. FSH can also be an indicator of your ovarian reserve. Imbalances in FSH are associated with infertility, irregular periods, and hot flashes.
Har du någonsin funderat på vad som faktiskt händer i din kropp varje månad under en cykel? Eller hur menstruation uppstår? Dina hormoner spelar en avgörande roll för att reglera de fyra faserna i din menstruationscykel. De olika faserna bestäms av nivåerna och interaktionerna av hormoner i din kropp.
The menstrual phase, also known as the menstruation period, marks the beginning of the menstrual cycle for individuals with a female reproductive system. This phase typically lasts around 3 to 7 days, although variations are common. During this time, the uterine lining that built up during the previous cycle in preparation for potential pregnancy is shed. This shedding leads to the release of blood and tissue through the vagina. Hormone levels, specifically estrogen and progesterone, are relatively low during the menstrual phase. Menstruation itself is a visible reminder of the complex interplay between hormones, the uterus, and the entire reproductive system.
Following the menstrual phase, the follicular phase commences. Lasting approximately 7 to 10 days, this phase is characterized by the development of follicles within the ovaries. These follicles are small, fluid-filled sacs that contain developing egg cells. As the follicles grow, they release hormones, primarily estrogen, which plays a crucial role in thickening the uterine lining. As the phase progresses, one dominant follicle emerges, while the others regress. The follicular phase is a time of renewal and preparation, as the body readies itself for the possibility of fertilization and conception.
Midway through the menstrual cycle, typically around day 14 in a 28-day cycle, the ovulation phase occurs. This is a pivotal moment in the reproductive cycle, as it marks the release of a mature egg from the dominant follicle in one of the ovaries. The surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers the rupture of the follicle, releasing the egg into the fallopian tube. Ovulation is a brief and time-sensitive event, usually lasting around 24 hours. It is during this phase that the chances of fertilization are highest, as sperm can potentially meet the egg in the fallopian tube. Ovulation is a key milestone in the intricate dance of hormones and reproductive processes.
Following ovulation, the luteal phase sets in, which lasts roughly 10 to 14 days. This phase is named after the corpus luteum, a structure that forms from the collapsed follicle after releasing the egg. The corpus luteum produces progesterone, a hormone crucial for maintaining the uterine lining in preparation for a potential pregnancy. If fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg (now called a zygote) travels down the fallopian tube and implants itself into the uterine lining, leading to pregnancy. However, if fertilization doesn’t occur, the corpus luteum degenerates, causing progesterone levels to drop. This drop triggers the shedding of the uterine lining during the next menstrual phase, starting the cycle anew.
Hormonell obalans är precis vad det låter som. Och den kan uppstå på grund av en rad olika faktorer. Till exempel kan höga stressnivåer i kroppen, dålig kost, sömnproblem, matsmältningsbesvär, mediciner som stör balansen, depression eller extremt strikta dieter spela in. Allt hör ihop. Och denna obalans kan ge upphov till en mängd symtom, såsom akne, mer påfrestande PMS, kraftigare blödning, orolig mage och minskad sexlust.
Oregelbunden cykel
The rollercoaster that is irregular menstrual cycles affects us all at some point in our lives. Whether it’s puberty, post-pregnancy, PCOS, PMDD or Perimenopause, every woman experiences that uncertainty, and the stress it can bring. Learn more.
Hair loss is a prevalent issue for many women, often triggered by hormonal imbalances. Gain valuable insights into how hormonal fluctuations can significantly impact hair health and explore a range of effective strategies. Learn more.
Svårigheter att bli gravid
Hair loss is a prevalent issue for many women, often triggered by hormonal imbalances. Gain valuable insights into how hormonal fluctuations can significantly impact hair health and explore a range of effective strategies. Learn more.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrom is one of the most common hormone-related conditions. Estimates vary, but anywhere from 4% to 20% of women around the world are living with PCOS. There is no cure, but effective ways to eliminate symptoms. Learn more.
Hormone issues that stem from your thyroid can be far-reaching, despite the general over or under-active nature of an imbalance. The symptoms are often individual and dependent on the severity of your imbalance. Learn more.
Although menopause happens to every woman eventually, it’s still largely mysterious to medicine. Erratic estrogen levels, coupled with correspondingly erratic FSH levels can cause a litany of symptoms. Learn more.
Hair loss is a prevalent issue for many women, often triggered by hormonal imbalances. Gain valuable insights into how hormonal fluctuations can significantly impact hair health and explore a range of effective strategies. Learn more.
Perhaps the least understood of all the women-specific hormone-related conditions, Prementstrual Dysphoric Disorder, can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Characterized by extreme, often life-changing mood and personality fluctuations. Learn more.
Vi bedriver forskning på kvinnohälsa.
Visste du att vi bedriver forskning på hormoner? Vi är backade av ledande endokrinologer, gynekologer och näringsexperter, vilket innebär att den samlade kunskapen bakom Hormona är enastående.
När du lär känna din individuella cykeln med hjälp av Hormonas app kommer du snabbt att inse hur mycket dina hormoner fluktuerar under en månad.
Dessa svängningar påverkar ditt liv varje dag genom att influera ditt humör, sömnmönster, energinivåer och produktivitet. Vi kan hjälpa dig att dra nytta av dina hormoners kraft, förutsäga när symtom sannolikt kommer att uppstå och vad du kan göra för att optimera ditt välmående.